this fight was Scheduled for the Light Heavyweight division 205 lbs / 93Kg
The fight started with both fighters throwing amazing non stop punching IE: Pride Style of DON FRYE, these guys were bringing it. During the first round "The Cannon" was able to withstand the punching power of WENBO, The Cannon got the takedown and began to put on an ELBOW clinic. These elbow strikes left a nasty cut over the eye brow of WENBO and the fight was STOPPED to have the CUT looked at by the Doctor. The doctor said he would let the fight continue, At this point both fighters were gassed out and were fighting on heart. The fight continued and The Cannon got another takedown and again started ground and pound, The Cut opens again and WENBO got a reversal. At this point The Cannon could not withstand the Vicious Ground and Pound by WENBO, which led to the REF to stop the fight due to punches.
to watch this fight click on this link-
The FIGHT was Fight Of The NIGHT!!! It looks like a RE-MATCH has to happen!! During the BREAK in Action, the CUT- Man attended to WENBO wiping off the blood and stopping the BLOOD, WHICH is a foul, and this action should of left the fight a win for THE CANNON~!
Because of the controversy there has to be a RE-MATCH ~! both fighters have agreed and now wait for the PROMOTION of REBEL FC to make it HAPPEN~! I'm sure it will be another amazing fight and of course another FOT. FIGHT OF THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!